Spooky Wines
Shiver with Antici-pation! Wednesday 30 October | 7.00 PM The Clissold Arms, N2
It's Gavi - But not as you know it
There are many expressions of this increasingly sought-after white wine from Piedmont, now available in a shop near you.
Same grape, different country
AROUND THE WORLD IN SIX WINES An evening of discovery Monday 18 September | 7.00 pm
Greek Wine Odyssey
Vineyards and wine might be attributed to the Greek deity Zeus, but today there is a new story to tell...
Cantina Kurtatsch
You have not heard of Cantina Kurtatsch? Neither had I, until they came to London – and that’s when a new world of wine opened up to my tastebuds….
Champagne vs Prosecco
What's the difference?
An evening of fizz
Monday 14 August | 7.00 pm
The Clissold Arms,
Argentina's World Class Wines
Argentina is famed for its bold and fruity reds, and rightly so
Upcoming tasting events
Monday 24 July 7 - 8.15 pm Cubes Restaurant, 10 Broadway Parade, Crouch End London N8 (DE